Actively engage students between sessions using a texting app

What: Send reminders and offer opportunities for connection
Offer non-instructional support to help enrolled students feel more connected to the program and each other and to provide sustainable, ongoing tech support.

Why: Adult education students have many competing priorities and life challenges, making it difficult to persist with their learning

Reminders can provide connection, encourage engagement, and offer motivation and support to address barriers and stay energized and focused on their learning. Offering ongoing tech support can also ensure learners remain connected, have devices that work properly, and offer tips to stay engaged in online learning. This practice is taken from the brief on Promising Practices from Remote ESOL Project. To see more of the practices and policy recommendations, read the brief.

Evidence-Based Strategies

This routine is supported by the following strategies:

How: Texting Apps

Communication platforms can help build relationships with learners between class sessions. Many platforms allow instructors and program administrators to send, receive and reply to messages to and from any phone. Messages can also be sent and received from laptops, mobile apps, or tablets. Popular tools include WhatsApp, Remind, SchoolMessenger, Hangouts, and Google Chat.

EdTech Tool Types: Text + Chat Messaging

CO.8 Use Messaging Tools

Learners will develop knowledge of messaging apps to communicate with peers, instructors, friends, and family.

MO.2 Understand Online Access

Using messaging apps allows learners to understand the differences between Wi-Fi and cellular data. Furthermore, it empowers them to make informed decisions.