Information Skills

Skills to apply, evaluate, and manage information across digital and physical environments.

Guiding Questions

  • Can I use search strategies to find relevant information?
  • Am I able to decide if information is current, accurate, reliable, and relevant?
  • Can I organize information so that I can find it when I need it?
  • Am I able to use and apply the information to meet a need or solve a problem?
  • Am I able to recognize when I need to upskill?
algorithm(n) a set of steps or instructions that a computer or person follows to solve a problem or complete a task
assess(v) to judge the value of
bias(n) a preference in one direction that makes things unequal
credibility(n) ability to be believed
critical thinking(n) careful analysis of evidence, facts, and observations to make a judgment
digital literacy(n) the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills
digital resilience(n) having the awareness, skills, agility, and confidence to be empowered users of new technologies and adapt to changing digital skill demands
digital skills(n) a range of abilities to use digital devices, communication applications, and networks to access and manage information
disinformation(n) false information that is spread on purpose and is intended to mislead.
domain extension(n) the last three or four letters of a website address (for example, .com, .org, .gov or .edu)
evaluate(v) to draw conclusions from examining; to assess
filter bubble(n) when websites personalize content based on what you have clicked on in the past, limiting your ability to see new ideas and perspectives
keyword(n) a word used to find specific information in a document or on the internet
lateral reading(n) a strategy to verify information about what you are reading.
misinformation(n) news or stories that are not factual and are spread on purpose or by accident
reliability(n) the quality of being dependable and trustworthy
search(n) the results when one looks for information (v) look for information (on the internet, on a computer, in a document, etc.)
self-assess(v) to evaluate or analyze one's own abilities, performance, or qualities
source(n) the person or place from which information comes or is acquired
synthesize(v) combine information from multiple sources, along with one's prior knowledge, to produce new content or understanding of a topic
validity(n) the level to which something is true or reasonable