Online Life

Access to online resources that support digitalization of daily tasks and socialization within a broader digital community.

Guiding Questions

  • When I need a service or resource, am I usually able to find it by searching online?
  • Can I use technology to participate as a member of a group or community?
  • Am I able to shop and manage money online?
  • Can I find free and legal sources for entertainment online?
  • Am I able to save, share, and/or access information using different devices?
  • Do I understand copyright?
  • Am I aware of the impact that technology has on our environment and our society?

Being online provides people with seemingly limitless access to goods, services, information, and entertainment, as well as tools that enable them to be active and informed members of their communities. Awareness of what tools and resources are available—and establishing healthy habits around their use—supports healthy engagement in online environments.

Tool TypeExamples
DevicesDesktop computer, Laptop computer, Tablet, Smartphone, Smartwatches, Fitness trackers, Voice-activated devices
eBook (Free)Project Gutenberg, Obooko, World Reader BookSmart, Public library digital collections (Libby, OverDrive)
Money Management / PaymentOnline Bank Apps, Rocket Money, Zelle, PayPal
Music Streaming (Free)Spotify, iHeart, Pandora, YouTube, Free Music Archive, Jamendo, IDAGIO
Online FormsMicrosoft Forms, Google Forms, Jotform
PodcastsApple Podcasts, Spotify
Transportation / NavigationGoogle Maps, Apple Maps, Local transit apps, Rideshare apps
Video Streaming (Free)YouTube, Vimeo, Tubi, Public library digital collections (Hoopla), Public library digital collections (Kanopy), Public library digital collections (OverDrive)
Web BrowsersGoogle, Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, DuckDuckGo