Gateway Skills
Foundational skills required to use a device and participate online.

Guiding Questions
- Am I able to operate my computer, using the mouse and keyboard as needed?
- Do I know how to save and find information on my computer?
- Do I know how to use accessibility features to make my devices easier to use?
- Do I understand what the internet is and how I can use it to find information? Am I able to connect to and navigate the internet?
- Am I able to send and receive email?
- Do I know how to create safe passwords and protect my privacy?

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Open in Google SlidesFor more digital skills vocabulary resources, visit the Digital Skills Glossary
Term | Definition |
@ | (n) a symbol that means "at"; it is commonly used as part of email addresses. |
accessibility | (n) features that increase software usability for users |
accessibility settings | (n) options that allow you to make your computer easier to use |
address bar | (n) part of a web browser where you type the address of the website you want to visit or a search word to search the internet |
application (app) | (n) computer program that serves a specific purpose |
archive | (n) a collection of historical digital information (v) store & preserve historical digital information |
arrow keys | (n) buttons on a keyboard that move the cursor or scroll the page up, down, left, or right |
attach | (v) add a file to an email or message |
attachment | (n) a file sent in an email or message |
back | (adv) previous |
bcc | (n) blind carbon copy; this allows the sender of a message to hide the names of recipients (v) use blind carbon copy, hiding the names of recipients |
bookmark | (n) a website saved for future use (v) to save a website for future use |
breadcrumb | (n) a single link in a chain indicating the location of a web page, used as a navigational aid |
browse | (v) look at many things online |
browser | (n) a program used to navigate the internet and view web pages |
button | (n) a control on a screen or keyboard that triggers an action when selected |
caps lock key | (n) a button on a computer keyboard that makes all letters capital |
cc | (v) carbon copy; add one or more recipients to an email (on the "cc" line) so they receive a copy and are aware of what is being communicated |
central processing unit (CPU) | (n) the part of a computer that carries out all instructions and commands |
checkbox | (n) an empty box that, when you click on it, fills with a checkmark and enables a setting |
click | (n) the act of pressing a button on a computer mouse or trackpad; similar to a "tap" on a touchscreen (v) press a button on a computer mouse or trackpad |
close | (v) end an application, window, or file |
cloud | (n) set of connected servers that allow for the storage and processing of information and data online |
command | (n) a direction for a computer to do something |
compose | (v) write or create something |
computer | (n) an electronic device that helps you store, organize, and use information |
computer case | (n) the protective outer covering of a computer |
computer network | (n) a group of computers or devices that are linked together |
computer tower | (n) the computer case that holds the hardware including the CPU and motherboard. |
contacts | (n) a list of people that contains information you need to communicate with them |
control key (CTRL) | (n) a button on a computer keyboard that can change the function of other keys |
cursor | (n) a shape on a computer screen that shows where actions made with the keyboard or mouse will make a change |
desktop | (n) the main screen on a computer when all applications are closed or minimized |
desktop computer | (n) a computer that is not portable and typically includes a tower |
device | (n) an object or machine made for a special purpose |
digital skills | (n) a range of abilities to use digital devices, communication applications, and networks to access and manage information |
display | (n) a computer screen or monitor that shows text and images |
distribution list | (n) An electronic mailing list, made up of the recipients' email addresses |
double-click | (n) the act of quickly pressing a mouse button twice (v) quickly press twice with the left button of a mouse |
download | (v) copy a file or program from a larger computer system or the internet to another computer or device |
drag-and-drop | (v) move an object by dragging it across the screen and releasing it in another location |
drop-down | (adj) a type of menu that appears when you hover over or click on it |
echo chamber | (n) an environment in which a person is exposed to only those opinions they agree with, so that their views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered. |
(n) a system where people can send a message from one device to another (n) a message that is sent electronically (v) send a message electronically | |
email address | (n) A unique identifier of the form username@domain name; it specifies a virtual location to which electronic messages can be sent |
email application | (n) A system for transferring messages from one device to another |
email signature | (n) a block of text at the bottom of a message that contains contact information |
emoji | (n) a small digital graphic icon that is used to represent a concept or object |
enter key | (n) a key that is used to move to the next line or add a line of space between paragraphs; also used to submit information |
ethernet port | (n) an outlet that looks like a telephone port and connects a computer to a network and high speed Internet |
favorite | (n) a type of bookmark that allows a website to be saved for future use (v) to save a website for future use |
file | (n) digital information that can be opened, saved, or changed by a computer program |
File Explorer | (n) a file browser on the Microsoft Windows operating system |
file format | (n) the type of a file (.doc for a document is an example) |
file management | (n) a way to name and organize digital files |
filter bubble | (n) when websites personalize content based on what you have clicked on in the past, limiting your ability to see new ideas and perspectives |
folder | (n) a container where files and other folders may be saved |
forward | (v) send a previously sent message to a new recipient |
freeze | (v) becomes unresponsive or locked |
function keys | (n) a set of keys on a keyboard used as shortcuts to perform an action |
headphones | (n) a pair of cushioned speakers worn over or in the ears so only the wearer can hear the sound |
history | (n) a record of previous user events, especially of visited web pages in a browser |
home position | (n) the place your hands rest on the keyboard; it’s the asdfghjkl; row on the alphanumeric keyboard and numbers 456 on the 10-key number pad |
homepage | (n) the main or first page of a web site or set of hyperlinked documents |
homescreen | (n) the main page of an application |
hover | (v) place the cursor over a hyperlink or icon without clicking |
icon | (n) a small picture that represents a software application, a file, a folder, or a hardware device |
inbox | (n) an electronic folder that messages can go in |
incognito | (adv) a way to browse the internet so that your browsing history is not saved on your device |
install | (v) connect, set up, or prepare something for use |
Internet | (n) a world-wide system of networked computers |
keyboard | (n) a set of keys that allow users to enter letters, numbers, and symbols into word processing and application software |
keyboard shortcut | (n) A key or a combination of keys on the keyboard of a personal computer that activates a command |
keyword | (n) a word used to find specific information in a document or on the internet |
laptop computer | (n) a portable computer that has a built-in keyboard, screen, and touchpad |
left-click | (n) a press of the left mouse button (v) press the left button on a computer mouse |
link | (n) a word, picture, or URL that you click to go to another page or location (v) to connect a word, picture, or URL to another page or location |
login | (n) the username & password used to enter a device, account, or network (v) use one's username & password to enter a device, account, or network |
malicious email | (n) an email message containing code designed to harm your software system |
malware | (n) software designed to operate in an undesirable way |
maximize | (v) make the current window bigger so that it fills the whole desktop |
message | (n) a note, text, or email sent electronically (v) send a note, text, or email electronically |
minimize | (v) hide the current window by placing it down in the taskbar with a button |
mobile device | (n) an item of hand-held electronic equipment, especially a smartphone or tablet computer |
monitor | (n) a desktop computer’s display screen |
monitor port | (n) outlet on your computer used to connect a display (monitor) |
motherboard | (n) the main part of a computer |
mouse | (n) a device used to control a computer by moving it over a flat service (v) navigate using the mouse device |
mouse pointer | (n) an icon on the computer screen that indicates the position of the mouse |
name | (n) the title of a file or folder (v) give a document or folder a title |
navigate | (v) move between web pages, menus, etc. by means of hyperlinks, mouse clicks, or any other mechanism |
navigation buttons | (n) buttons or choices on a menu that allow you to move between web pages, menus, etc. |
navigation keys | (n) keys that allow you to move around in a document or webpage without using the mouse |
next button | (n) an on-screen control that allows you to navigate to the next page in a browser |
num lock key | (n) number lock key; a key that toggles between numbers and cursor control functions |
operating system | (n) the program in charge of all other software and programs on your computer |
parallel or printer port | (n) an older port that is less common on new computers and often replaced by a USB Port |
passcode | (n) a string of characters used for authentication on a digital device |
password | (n) a string of characters used to login to a computer, network, or account |
PC | (n) personal computer, especially one that runs Microsoft Windows as opposed to an Apple Mac |
peripheral | (n) an electronic device that is outside the computer case, but is used by the computer to which it is connected, such as a printer or a scanner |
platform | (n) a particular type of computer, device, operating system, or software service |
port | (n) a computer socket where a device can be plugged in |
power button | (n) the control that turns a computer on and off |
power cord | (n) a cord that connects a device to an electrical power source |
printer | (n) a machine, usually attached to a computer, used to make a copy of words or images onto paper |
radio button | (n) a small circle allowing a user to select one option from a list of options |
recipient | (n) the person an email or message is addressed to |
recycle bin | (n) a folder used to temporarily store deleted files before being permanently erased (n) the icon for the folder used to store deleted files |
refresh | (v) reload (a document or a webpage) to show any new changes |
remember me | (n) an option that saves your login information |
reply all | (v) respond to everyone included in the original message |
right-click | (n) a press of the right mouse button (v) press with the right button of a mouse |
router | (n) a device that connects a computer to the Internet |
screen | (n) a device's flat surface for showing information |
scroll | (v) vertically or horizontally move the visual portions of the screen up, down, left, or right to see all of the information in the window. |
scroll bar | (n) a horizontal or vertical bar on the edges of a personal computer screen that is used to view contents not currently showing on the screen |
search | (n) the results when one looks for information (v) look for information (on the internet, on a computer, in a document, etc.) |
search box | (n) a text box for the input of text to be searched for in a database, on the Internet, etc.; also called search bar |
search engine | (n) an app that searches for information based on a word or phrase |
search term | (n) the word or phrase used when looking for information online |
send | (v) cause a message such as an email or text to go to another device |
sender | (n) the person who causes a message or email to go to another device |
serial port | (n) an interface that allows a PC to transmit or receive data; it is less common now, having been replaced with the USB and other ports |
settings | (n) options on a computer, device, or application that can be changed by the user |
shift key | (n) a key used to select uppercase letters or the upper character on a key |
shut down | (v) turn off or stop |
sign in | (n) the username & password used to enter a device, account, or network (v) to access a secured program or web page on a computer; to log in |
smartphone | (n) a phone that combines some functions of a computer and a phone into a small, mobile device |
space bar | (n) a key, in the shape of a bar near the bottom of a keyboard, that generates a space character when pressed |
spam | (n) the email equivalent of bulk mail advertisements (v) send the email equivalent of bulk mail advertisements |
speech recognition | (n) software that processes voice input into text or electronic commands for a computer or device |
start menu | (n) an on-screen button that provides a launching point for applications and tasks |
subject line | (n) a place to enter the topic of an email for easy reference |
tab | (n) a navigational widget that looks like a physical tab and allows for switching between documents, spreadsheets, or open web pages |
tab key | (n) a key used to indent text in a document or email and to navigate between different fields in an online form, website, or job application |
tablet | (n) a mobile and handheld computer, usually smaller than a laptop, that includes a touchscreen and virtual keyboard |
text-to-speech | (n) an accessible feature that will read text aloud |
toggle switch | (n) A control that allows a setting to be enabled or disabled |
toolbar | (n) a row of buttons, usually marked with icons, used to activate the functions of an application |
touchpad or trackpad | (n) a flat surface which is sensitive to touch, used mostly in laptop computers to control an on-screen cursor |
trash | (n) Temporary storage on disk for files that the user has deleted, allowing them to be recovered if necessary. |
upload | (v) transfer data (from your device or computer) to a computer on a network, especially to a server on the Internet. |
URL | (n) uniform resource locator; which is a website’s address |
USB flash drive | (n) universal serial bus flash drive; a small electronic device used to store digital data |
USB port | (n) universal serial bus port; socket on a personal computer or peripheral device into which a USB cable is plugged |
user interface | (n) the visual part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with |
username | (n) a person's identification on an individual computer system, network, or account |
virtual keyboard | (n) a software component that allows a user to enter characters using the touch screen |
wallpaper | (n) the image that appears on the desktop background and can be changed by the user |
webpage | (n) a single document on the internet using a unique URL, often linked to other pages making up a website |
website | (n) a collection of interlinked web pages on the World Wide Web that are typically accessible from the same base URL |
Wi-Fi | (n) a network that allows computers, smartphones, and other devices to connect to the internet or communicate with one another wirelessly in an area |
Windows key | (n) key located on the keyboard between the Ctrl and the Alt keys; used to open the Start Menu and can be used with other key combinations |
world wide web/www | (n) an information system that allows users to access documents and other digital resources on the internet |
zip file | (n) a file format that uses data compression to reduce the overall size |
zoom | (v) change a display by magnifying or shrinking it |