Online Life


Access to online resources that support digitalization of daily tasks and socialization within a broader digital community.

Guiding Questions

  • When I need a service or resource, am I usually able to find it by searching online?
  • Can I use technology to participate as a member of a group or community?
  • Am I able to shop and manage money online?
  • Can I find free and legal sources for entertainment online?
  • Am I able to save, share, and/or access information using different devices?
  • Do I understand copyright?
  • Am I aware of the impact that technology has on our environment and our society?
address bar(n) part of a web browser where you type the address of the website you want to visit or a search word to search the internet
artificial intelligence(n) a field of computer science where machines do tasks that usually need human intelligence
attribution(n) the act of clearly acknowledging the creator of something
bookmark(n) a website saved for future use (v) to save a website for future use
browse(v) look at many things online
browser(n) a program used to navigate the internet and view web pages
cellular data(n) used when your phone or device is not connected to Wi-Fi; it is transmitted using cell towers and allows you to access the internet
cloud(n) set of connected servers that allow for the storage and processing of information and data online
cloud storage(n) an internet service that provides remote storage for data and files
copyright(n) rights given to a creator to protect their work from other uses without permission (v) protect one's work from other uses without permission
Creative Commons(n) set of licenses intended to offer the consumer more freedoms than traditional copyright
digital divide(n) the space between people who are connected to each other and society using computers and internet and those who are not connected
digital equity(n) a condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy and economy
digital inclusion(n) the activities necessary to ensure that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
digital redlining(n) a discriminatory practice in which companies do not provide services to diverse, low-income neighborhoods
digital wallet(n) electronic data storage for a customer's e-money, credit card details, etc
download(v) copy a file or program from a larger computer system or the internet to another computer or device
fair use(n) a rule that allows the use of copyright-protected works in some cases
FAQ(n) frequently asked questions; a list of questions said to be frequently asked, and their answers
favorite(n) a type of bookmark that allows a website to be saved for future use (v) to save a website for future use
filter(n) a procedure that acts to separate or isolate data (v) separate or isolate data
help menu(n) a button within a software application you can use if you are having a problem or want to know how to do something
history(n) a record of previous user events, especially of visited web pages in a browser
homepage(n) the main or first page of a web site or set of hyperlinked documents
Internet(n) a world-wide system of networked computers
keyword(n) a word used to find specific information in a document or on the internet
license(n) legal terms that allow a person to use a product (v) apply legal terms that allow a person to use a products
link(n) a word, picture, or URL that you click to go to another page or location (v) to connect a word, picture, or URL to another page or location
local storage(n) files stored on a computer’s hard drive
menu(n) a list of options and functions
menu bar(n) a rectangular area where lists of options (menus) are located
navigate(v) move between web pages, menus, etc. by means of hyperlinks, mouse clicks, or any other mechanism
online banking(n) banking carried out electronically, as for example over the Internet
online payment(n) transfer of funds over the internet to make a purchase
open source(a) a resource that is made available to the public with permissions allowing use, modification, and often redistribution
public domain(n) the state of not being owned by anyone, and thus freely usable by everyone
refresh(v) reload (a document or a webpage) to show any new changes
search(n) the results when one looks for information (v) look for information (on the internet, on a computer, in a document, etc.)
search box(n) a text box for the input of text to be searched for in a database, on the Internet, etc.; also called search bar
search engine(n) an app that searches for information based on a word or phrase
search term(n) the word or phrase used when looking for information online
tab(n) a navigational widget that looks like a physical tab and allows for switching between documents, spreadsheets, or open web pages
tech support(n) help with a technology-related problem
terms of use (service)(n) rules about how you can or cannot use an application or website
troubleshoot(v) analyze or diagnose a problem to the point of determining a solution
upload(v) transfer data (from your device or computer) to a computer on a network, especially to a server on the Internet.
URL(n) uniform resource locator; which is a website’s address
webpage(n) a single document on the internet using a unique URL, often linked to other pages making up a website
website(n) a collection of interlinked web pages on the World Wide Web that are typically accessible from the same base URL
world wide web/www(n) an information system that allows users to access documents and other digital resources on the internet