Foster engagement and community using a texting app

Author:Boston DigLit
What: Create a group messaging board to build community and belonging
What: Using a Remind Hub or similar tool, a program can create a convenient, accessible digital community. Administrators, teachers, and learners use the community in flexible ways.

Why: Community-Building, Sense of Belonging

Create a vibrant and connected student community by leveraging texting apps as a communication platform adopted program wide. By utilizing the Remind Hub, learners can receive timely updates, access additional learning resources, share inspiring content, and engage in meaningful conversations. This routine enhances student engagement, persistence, and motivation.

Evidence-Based Strategies

This routine is supported by the following strategies:

How: Remind Hub

Create a Remind account for the educational program. Establish guidelines and norms for communication within the community. Onboard staff. Introduce the Remind Hub to students, communicating the purpose and benefits of joining. Share daily motivational messages, program updates, other announcements through Remind. Encourage students to share their thoughts, ideas, or successes. Facilitate peer interactions and support. Acknowledge and celebrate student achievements or milestones within the Remind Community.

EdTech Tool Types: Group Discussion Thread

OL.2 Access Community Resources

By utilizing Remind as a communication tool, learners can access valuable resources shared within the community. They can engage with peers, explore additional learning materials, and benefit from the community's collective knowledge.

CO.8 Use Messaging Tools

Learners develop proficiency in digital communication platforms by utilizing Remind. They practice receiving updates, engaging in conversations, and utilizing digital tools to enhance their educational experience.