Assess understanding using online games and activities

Author:Boston DigLit
What: Practice concepts through engaging, interactive digital activities
Learners review and deepen their understanding of new language and concepts by independently completing instructor-designed games and activities.

Why: Instant feedback and gamification

By completing games and activities on Wordwall, students review concepts and both check and further solidify their understanding. Students receive instant feedback in a gamified experience. Gamified activities are engaging; students feel motivated to keep playing and learning. Students can choose from a variety of game templates to play with the same materials in different ways, which supports student choice and differentiation. The templates also support multiple modalities, including audio, pictures, and text, scaffolding student understanding in many ways.

Evidence-Based Strategies

This routine is supported by the following strategies:

How: Wordwall

Create activities using Wordwall templates such as Matchup, Quiz, Find the Match, Missing Word, True or False, Categorize, Flash Cards, Group Sort, or Unjumble. Customize the activity by adding a title, instructions, lesson content, and more. Share the activity with students using a direct link or QR code. Remind students that they can repeat the activity many times and they can change the template themselves to practice the same content in a different way. Use the report of student answers to inform future practice opportunities or lesson objectives.

EdTech Tool Types: Quiz + Assessment

EF.3 Use Basic Browser Tools

In Wordwall, learners will be practicing various foundational digital skills, especially those that are present in familiar browser tools, like navigating forward and backward or making selections.

IS.4 Self-assess Your Skills

Wordwall games and activities promote independent practice. Students get instant feedback on their comprehension. When they repeat the activity or try a new template, they can see their progress and identify which areas require further study.